Let’s be honest, the TEFL industry does have a train-wreck of a reputation.
It’s easy to see why; a low barrier to entry combined with world travel seemingly provides a path for people to escape their current troubles and start afresh. Coupled with a decent standard of living (especially in second and third-world countries), and you’ve got all the conditions needed for an ex-pat community of drunks and no-hopers.
“You become a TEFL teacher when your life has gone wrong.”
– Alain de Botton, Philosopher
I still remember reading a scathing attack on the TEFL industry the year after I’d started working as a teacher and wondering what I’d gotten myself into.
A balanced view of TEFL
Let’s get one thing straight — I don’t subscribe to the above view.
I’ve been working in the industry for ten years and have seen the TEFL industry’s dark side. I know exactly what the detractors are talking about.
On the other hand, I am incredibly grateful to the TEFL industry for the experiences and opportunities it’s given me.
So I want to provide a look at the pros and cons:
Why you shouldn’t choose a TEFL career
You’ll get a crappy salary for the first few years.
You won’t get very good benefits (e.g. dental, pension, etc.).
Unreasonable employers.
You’ll meet more than a fair share of drunks, no-hopers and weirdos.
It’s easy to fall between the cracks and get ‘stuck’ teaching TEFL.
It can become dull and repetitive.
It has a bad reputation.
Why you should choose a TEFL career
Short contracts mean a high staff turnover (faster promotion).
You can choose varied career paths.
It’s a growing industry (at least in Asia and developing countries)
You’ll meet some truly wonderful people.
You’ll accumulate great stories to tell the grandkids.
You’ll be able to travel extensively and see incredible places.
You’ll grow as a person (if you want to).
So the conclusion is….?
While you pay your dues, TEFL can be frustrating with poor conditions and poor pay. It does also have (more than) its fair share of oddballs…
After 19 years, I have no regrets.
I’ve met and made fantastic friends, many of whom are spread out over the globe. I’ve had intense experiences and travel opportunities that simply don’t happen from the comfort of your own home.
I’ve also put in endless hours of hard work to improve and develop my skills and gained the satisfaction and financial rewards that naturally followed.
I’ve had the opportunity to choose my working environment, working hours and lifestyle. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most intelligent and driven people I’ve ever met, and I wouldn’t exchange those times for anything.
So is TEFL as a career a good choice?
Yes, I believe it is. It requires more independence and forward planning than most industries, but yes. It’s worth it.
TEFL is like everything in life — the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.
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📝 Lesson Planning for Language Teachers - Plan better, faster, and stress-free (4.5⭐, 175 ratings).
👩🎓 Essential Classroom Management - Develop calm students and a classroom full of learning (4.5⭐, 33 ratings).
🏰 Storytelling for Language Teachers - Use the power of storytelling to transform your lessons (4.5⭐, 11 ratings).
🤖 ChatGPT for Language Teachers - A collection of AI prompts and techniques to work better, faster (4.5⭐, 10 ratings).
💭 Reflective Teaching Practice Journal - Improve your teaching in five minutes daily (4.5⭐, 16 ratings).