Dear teacher,
As a student in your class, I wanted to make you aware of a few things. In case you hadn’t noticed, generally…
I’m well-behaved (most of the time).
I want to have fun.
I may or may not want to learn.
I enjoy talking and doing tasks with my classmates.
I don’t want to look stupid.
I don’t like using a coursebook. It’s boring, and it sucks.
I want praise from the teacher.
I want my classmates to see how clever I am.
If I don’t understand or am bored,
I’ll play with my phone and my classmates or ask to go to the bathroom.
I’ll start daydreaming.
I’ll feel stupid for not understanding.
I might ask my friends what you’re saying if I care enough.
You’ll have to work hard to get my attention back.
I’ll think you’re a bad, inconsiderate or uncaring teacher and resent you.
I’ll start to hate learning.
So that’s me. Thanks for listening.
See you again in two weeks.
Whenever you're ready, there are three ways I can help you:
1. Learn how to plan better, faster and stress-free with my book Lesson Planning for Language Teachers (90 ratings, 4.5⭐ on Amazon).
2. Develop calm students, a relaxed mind and a classroom full of learning with my book Essential Classroom Management (16 ratings, 4.5⭐ on Amazon).
3. Improve your teaching in five minutes daily with my Reflective Teaching Practice Journal (4 ratings, 4.5⭐ on Amazon).