Sometimes being a TEFL teacher sucks.
Times when you’ve got a terrible workload, endless admin, and no energy. Sometimes, you’re not tired because of the amount of work, but the kind of work you’re doing. You’re stuck in a rut, repeating yourself, and can’t get the impetus to kick yourself out of it.
Then there are other times when TEFL teachers find that the little things are bleeding their enthusiasm reserves dry. You can’t find those materials you prepared specifically for that class, or your attendance sheet has gone missing again. You know what I mean.
What’s the solution? Unfortunately, there is no universal panacea that will solve all your problems. Bummer.
I can help you with a few suggestions to make your life a little bit easier. So grab a cup of tea, sit back and have a read. Pick one or two tips, and do them as soon as you get to work tomorrow. Rinse and repeat.
1. Tidy your desk/cupboard
What the hell? I thought you said this would make my life easier, not harder? Trust me, it will. Block off 30 minutes, and clean that sucker out. Be ruthless, throw away or recycle all that accumulated junk, and get rid of all the dust and gunk shamefully built up in the corners.
Now, how good do you feel?
You can now put your hand on anything you want to in two seconds flat. You own that space. Next time you want to procrastinate by looking at Facebook, do this instead.
2. Review your admin routines
Now you’ve got a sparkling clean cupboard, let’s keep it that way. What little habits can you add to your routine to keep stuff organised?
Example: I always take three minutes after every class to put everything back in its place. Attendance list, lesson plan in the correct folder, materials in folder/box, etc. I also take another two minutes (or less) to write on my old lesson plan ideas and notes for the next class, so when I plan the lesson, I clearly remember the last one. Stuff like ‘didn’t quite get the past continuous, review more’, ‘don’t sit Bob next to Lisa, they’ll fight’, etc.
3. Make it student-centred
When you’re planning, look at how much each student will be speaking in the lesson. Imagine a student in your class and visualise how many minutes (roughly) they’ll get to speak. Is there any way you can increase that amount of time? Why? One, it’s better for student learning. Two, the more work they do, the less you have to.
4. Review your behaviour management system
Hopefully, you’ve created your behaviour management system by now. If you haven’t, why not? Do it now! If you have but have a ‘problem’ class that doesn’t respond very well, time to sort it out. Pick the brains of your academic manager, even ask them to observe a class and make some suggestions. Problem classes can be a massive pain in the bum. It’s a real energy-sapper to have a class you dread all week. How much happier would you be if you could fix it?
5. Observe an experienced colleague
Getting a fresh perspective on teaching always helps. The best way to do that is to observe a willing colleague. I remember when I started teaching, of all the things I did — reading teaching books, getting mentored, talking to my academic manager — observing my colleagues helped me the most.
So beg or borrow time and permission, and observe your most experienced colleagues in the classroom. Take a notebook and scribble all lesson — what do they do that’s different to you, what routines do they use, how do they control the class, what activities do they use? It’ll be worth its weight in gold.
6. Brainstorm fresh activities
I hope that you’ve stolen ideas from a colleague already. I also suggest you take a couple of colleagues out for coffee and go through a brainstorming process. You’ll come up with great new ideas to freshen up your classroom — your students and your brain will thank you for it.
7. Swap materials with colleagues
Similar to the one above, but with a lesson or topic-specific materials you’ve created. Think about it. Most of your colleagues are likely teaching from the same coursebook as you. If they’re not, they’re almost definitely covering the same topics as you. Yet you’re all busy creating materials you file away in your (now sparkling clean) cupboard.
What do you mean you aren’t already sharing that stuff? Are you crazy? There’s no point in being a hoarder, but sharing is caring. More to the point, sharing saves you a load of time, too. (Yes, I know your materials are the best, but it wouldn’t hurt to try someone else’s, would it? Especially if it saves you a truckload of time).
8. Try a new methodology
Set yourself a challenge — try a new methodology. Dogme is great if you have a little experience under your belt. It’s great to challenge yourself to respond to your students on a whole different level. Without a lesson plan or materials, go into class and be your authentic self. Sound scary? Good. It’ll force you to put the students first, use what you know about them to build relationships, and focus on what they find interesting to sustain both interest and conversation.
Another one to try is Task-Based Learning for Young Learners. They said it couldn’t be done… that young learners don’t possess the self-discipline or autonomy to be able to interact without guidance from the teacher.
Rubbish. It is a challenge, I’ll grant you, and it has to be highly structured and set up correctly, but once it works, you’ll be over the moon. I’ve had three-year-olds role-playing, using the target language to negotiate to complete a set of cards in a whole class mingling activity. Damn, it felt good, especially as it was an ‘open class’ when the parents were observing. Push yourself to push your students, and raise your expectations of what they can achieve.
9. Ask your academic manager for a workshop or coaching
Don’t be a hero! Just ask if you’re having trouble with anything, from class control to a lack of ideas to a specific teaching skill. After all, that’s what your academic manager is for. Plus, they like to feel useful from time to time as well.
10. Hold a class survey
Ask your students what they like most about your classes. What kinds of activities? What do they find most challenging? What do they find most difficult about learning English? The more information you have, the better you know your class, the better you can relate and plan, and the better your classes will be. Good luck and good teaching!
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📝 Lesson Planning for Language Teachers - Plan better, faster, and stress-free (4.5⭐, 175 ratings).
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🏰 Storytelling for Language Teachers - Use the power of storytelling to transform your lessons (4.5⭐, 11 ratings).
🤖 ChatGPT for Language Teachers - AI prompts and techniques for language teachers (4.5⭐, 10 ratings).
💭 Reflective Teaching Practice Journal - Improve your teaching in five minutes daily (4.5⭐, 16 ratings).